Makemake Enters Libra ~ 13 Jul 2015

Breaking news! It’s today!

Today Makemake migrates from Virgo to Libra. This dwarf planet sign shift represents a huge transition in the global consciousness substrate, on par in importance with Pluto changing signs.

First, the pesky details: Makemake first reached Virgo turf in August 1985 when it previewed the terrain until March 1986. After retrograding back into Leo, on July 7, 1986 Makemake took on the full transit of Virgo where he steadfastly worked the furrows in those celestial fields until October of 2013.

From October 2013 through March 2014 and from September of 2014 through May of 2015, Makemake conducted due diligence in Libra. After a brief final review of Virgo from May up to today, Makemake crosses into Libra within hours.

Makemake the primary deity of the people of Easter Island? The birdman of Rapa Nui? There is an obscure movie that premiered in 1994, directed by Kevin Costner, entitled Rapa Nui. It’s a bit hard to find, but it is worth watching to witness the mythology of propitiating to Makemake, and the environmental impact this dwarf planet renders.

Dwarf planet, eh? Should we even care? Yes. Absolutely, and here’s why. The node (heliocentric) of Makemake is mid-Gemini, opposing the Great Attractor and an array of black holes in Sagittarius that encourage one to stay in step with declared beliefs or change them so they constitute perfect marching orders. The perihelion of Makemake, marking the planet’s greatest priorities and sense of urgency, falls in mid-Aries. Yep, self proclamation is a big deal.

Think of an Aries (primal persona) Gemini (communication of) mix. It’s a perfect public relations pattern. Makemake is about creating your brand. But brand cannot be based upon embellishment alone. Express who you are, what you bring to the table, what you intend to do, based upon what experience and wisdom accrued. In such declarations, there’s believability.

Makemake from a collective level addresses clarity regarding the space station we sail upon through the Cosmos. Rapa Nui, the land over which Makemake watches, is an isolated island some five hours by air nearly directly west of Santiago, Chile. Only 24.6 km (15.3 mi) long by 12.3 km (7.6 mi) at its widest, it is a tiny, isolated land mass, limited in what life it can support by virtue of what resources it has to offer. The early inhabitants of Rapa Nui referred to their land as “navel of the world,” while another name refers to “eyes looking to the sky.” How ironic that the global position of this island lies virtually beneath the Galactic Center.

Rapa Nui is the remote Pacific island with all the cool, carved stone gods (moai) propitiating to the deity above. Dolphins, tuna, birds (and their eggs) and sweet potatoes provided sustenance. There are a few lakes, but no streams or rivers, yet an abundance of ocean in every direction. When population grew and when European explorers arrived, life became hard to sustain. Evidence of soil erosion and cannibalism exist. Some speculation suggests that the existing trees were cut down to roll the moai to their ceremonial positions.

There are environmental messages to derive from the physical facts of Rapa Nui. Keep population in balance. Do not exceed the resources of the planet. Avoid doing things in the interest of faith that might sabotage life, or at least deny shelter. Can political leaders adopt climate change as reality and stop regurgitating “Jesus will take care of the Earth,” and get onboard with conservation, ecological awareness and planetary preservation? Let us hope the Pope’s recent message of “people have turned earth into a dump” inspires efforts to save the planet. (The movie Rapa Nui has a pretty cool climate change message, by the way.)

A funny thing happened on the way to creating a greener planet here in the United States. Years ago, Thomas Edison, a man with a natal Mercury-Makemake conjunction invented the light bulb. A very few years ago, President Barack Obama, a man with a natal Mercury-Makemake conjunction, took the blame for taking away Thomas Edison’s light bulb and forcing green light bulbs into our sockets, though the legislation passed during the previous presidential administration.

So what did Makemake in Virgo conjure, given its Gemini and Aries slants?:

The manufacture of disposable personal communications devices, starting with acceptance of the PC as a must have, and now the abundance of personal communication gizmos. Of course, those when tossed aside (upgraded), clog landfills in other countries and toxify the Earth.

The explosion of the labeling of physical and psychological disorders, allowing clear treatment of those maladies. The downside being, once labeled, labels do not easily disappear.

The explosion of wonder drugs and for every previously unknown and unnamed physical and psychological ailments so you can be more of who you were meant to be. Of course, each drug is accompanied by a litany of side-effects.

Obsession with ingredients and contents of products. Ironically, in the United States politicians seek bans on the accurate labeling of food and the reporting of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Awareness of toxic products and byproducts. Uncertainty as to methods of safe disposal.

Around the world, instantaneous communication of information, personal, professional and political. Such efforts also resulting in nonsense communication, truncation of communication and despite the effort to reach out, growing emotional perceptions of isolation. Not to mention scams, hacks and viruses.

The launch of space craft that showered us with information about our existence, comets, asteroids and now the effort continues with Pluto. Of course in the effort, we encroached upon asteroids and smashed comets. Did we tamper with Mother Nature?

Reading the above one might think, did anything good happen with Makemake in Virgo, related to its signature? Yes. And no.

Resulting evidence suggest the manifestations of this transit seeking to make a person happier provide a superior personal existence may not have been constructed with clear long-range vision. As justification, consider that Makemake only came into our consciousness in 2005, twenty years into the roughly thirty-year transit of Virgo.

Ah ha! Now that we know about Makemake, all implied by his lore and land must be applied with conscious attention! Yes! That means the end of blip-oriented short-sighted talking points and the implementation of thoroughly thought through marching orders.

Indeed, so now with Makemake in Libra, we can:

End climate change denial.

Shift agricultural practices.

Engage in water and resource conservation.

Explore alternative energy sources.

Create awareness of overpopulation. Delete “be fruitful and multiply” from religious rhetoric.

Limit rabid consumerism and apply practical latest gadget consciousness.

Save the planet.

Regulate advertising. Eliminate robocalls and spam, byproducts of Makemake in Virgo.

Yeah, all that’s good and global, but there is an Aries component to Makemake, right? Where’s the “what about me?”

Okay, notes Makemake, one magnetizes life events on two levels: Who you are, Aries; and what you communicate, Gemini.

You claim you affirm and chant until you’re indigo in the third-eye chakra. But have you thought through the full extent of your consciousness PR and your communication footprint? It’s more than affirming and praying. It’s every blip and blurb rendered to cyberspace, one of the other mundane impacts rendered and defined by Makemake in Virgo.

Your social media contributes to your mantra of your manifestation!! Holy twerking tweets! Really? Yes. Potential employers review Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and any of the other new social media crazes to see who you really are, not just what your resume and portfolio indicate.

A clear realization promised by Makemake in Libra: If you think it and declare it on the Internet or in social media, so it is.

All communication is actually Aries and Gemini. It’s a thought or idea realized, enacted and materialized through the vehicle of communication applied. So the secret to the secret is: It is what you visualize and it is also what you articulate in word, by voice, writing or indelibly etching into cyberspace. With the Geminian influence, cull all communications for consistency as implied by the south node of Makemake to the inclusiveness of Great Attractor and the stay in step with your spirit and spirituality with the underscoring black holes.

What can you do?

Define who you are and what intrinsic contributions possess and intend to render to the planet.

Articulate what you believe and what you offer as a result of those beliefs.

Be a solution-minded, alternative-offering, option-oriented individual.

Work within all situations to create scenarios agreeable to all parties.

Find the way into all those annoying rigid structures and damnable strictures and implement constructive change from within.

Realize you are no island, nor is your country. You are an inseparable component of humankind. Your land is an inseparable component of Earth.

Celebrate. Include all in celebration.

There will be more SkyScraping soon. In fact, to savor the Aries component of Makemake’s perihelion, next week’s post will be all about gleaning the best from the ongoing Venus-Jupiter conjunctions and Jupiter-Saturn squares.